Our farm on the outskirts of Eudora includes an 11-acre native, never plowed remnant prairie. Only one half of one percent of all prairie is left in the United States, which once spanned over parts of nearly a dozen states. The Kansas Biological Survey documented 108 species of wildflowers and grasses that create the complex eco-system of our land, We are named Compass Prairie for the resilient Compass plant which is featured in some of our arrangements. These plants can grow up to 10 feet tall and have a root system that reaches 16 feet deep, penetrating soil and limestone. One compass plant with its’ perennial multi-flowering head can live up to 100 years! My father-in-law, who taught me much about many things, was the caretaker of the prairie, and before him his father. Like my father-in-law, my wife and I have enjoyed growing our own flowers. I decided a few years ago to take growing flowers to a whole new level. Our U-cut flowers are a mix of annuals—in particular, a variety of zinnias, cosmos, basket flower and many others I try each year. These annuals blend with the beautiful perennial flowers and greenery of the prairie itself. Late June to mid-October we host U-cut opportunities as well as offering the chance to experience our remnant prairie. With a masters in fine art, I have been making public art for nearly 20 years. My goal is to merge the world of flowers and the prairie with my world of art. The cut flower garden will be a unique experience of flowers and art for you to enjoy.